The SAGE Handbook of Neoliberalism (9781412961721)

Over the last two decades, 'neoliberalism' has emerged as a key concept within a range of social science disciplines including sociology, political science, human geography, anthropology, political economy, and cultural studies.

The SAGE Handbook of Neoliberalism showcases the cutting edge of contemporary scholarship in this field by bringing together a team of global experts. Across seven key sections, the handbook explores the different ways in which neoliberalism has been understood and the key questions about the nature of neoliberalism:

Part 1: Perspectives

Part 2: Sources

Part 3: Variations and Diffusions

Part 4: The State

Part 5: Social and Economic Restructuring

Part 6: Cultural Dimensions

Part 7: Neoliberalism and Beyond

This handbook is the key reference text for scholars and graduate students engaged in the growing field of neoliberalism.

Product details

  • Hardback | 720 pages
  • 184 x 246 x 38.1mm | 1,410g
  • Thousand Oaks, United States
  • English
  • First Edition
  • 1412961726
  • 9781412961721
  • 1,202,337

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