Electronics from the Ground Up: Learn by Hacking, Designing, and Inventing (9780071837286)

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Discover the inner-workings of electronics through innovative hands-on experimentsAre you fascinated by the power of even the smallest electronic device? Electronics from the Ground Up guides you through step-by-step experiments that reveal how electronic circuits function so you can advance your skills and design custom circuits. You'll work with a range of circuits and signals related to optical emitters and receivers, audio, oscillators, and video.

This practical resource explains components, construction techniques, basic test equipment, circuit analysis, and troubleshooting. Photographs, schematics, equations, and graphs are included throughout. By the end of the book, you'll be able to hack and modify existing circuits to create your own unique designs.

Do-it-yourself experiments cover:

Batteries, lamps, and flashlights
Light emitters and receivers
Diodes, rectifiers, and associated circuits
Transistors, FETs, and vacuum tubes
Amplifiers and feedback
Audio signals and circuits
AM and FM signals and circuits
Video basics, including video signals
Video circuits and systems

"Excellent.... Nothing can replace hands-on experience and Quan immerses the hobbyist/designer right into the fray up to their elbows." - EDN Magazine

"Electronics from the Ground Up is just what the title reflects. This is a terrific self-training/teaching manual, or perhaps even a textbook for a high school or early college electronics course. It's also a fun read for those times when you find yourself at loose ends on a contest-free weekend or feel the urge to tinker." - QST

Product details

  • Paperback | 544 pages
  • 185 x 231 x 28mm | 803g
  • MCGRAW-HILL Professional
  • New York, United States
  • English
  • 100 Illustrations, unspecified
  • 0071837280
  • 9780071837286
  • 439,081

Download Electronics from the Ground Up: Learn by Hacking, Designing, and Inventing (9780071837286).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.

