Why We Teach (9780807745939)

Why teach? Listen to the voices of both veteran and new teachers as they share their most heartfelt and thoughtful replies to this simple but important question. Sonia Nieto, a distinguished teacher in her own right, has gathered the insights and inspirations of K-12 classroom teachers as they examine how and why they find purpose and value in the work they do. The teachers in this book, like so many across the country, do the kind of work that may not grab headlines but is far more important than even the highest test score: These teachers listen closely to their students. They share in their students' struggles and successes. They create a classroom climate that encourages growth, direction, and purpose. They help students develop into thoughtful, engaged citizens. The teachers in this book show us the kinds of learning that really matter, and the kinds of lessons that students can take with them for their entire lives. This inspirational book focuses on the quintessential values of teaching, challenges current notions that focus on only accountability, testing, and standardization, and provide a compelling message of hope for public education.

Product details

  • Paperback | 240 pages
  • 160.53 x 226.57 x 14.22mm | 353.8g
  • New York, United States
  • English
  • 0807745936
  • 9780807745939
  • 1,521,126

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