The Perfect Close : The Secret to Closing Sales - The Best Selling Practices & Techniques for Closing the Deal (0692689109)

If you want to discover how to close sales using the absolute best practice (one that's non-pushy, flexible, natural & easy to learn) then read this book.

Author James Muir shares unique insights on how 'closing the sale' can be done with a natural, non-pushy sales strategy that breaks the stigma often associated with professional sales.

Everything has changed. The latest science shows that old, counter-productive closing tactics backfire and hold you back. In The Perfect Close you will learn a closing method that is nearly always successful (in the 95% range). It's zero pressure and involves just two questions. It's a clear & simple approach that is flexible enough to use on every kind of sale at every given stage. It can be learned in less than an hour and mastered in a day. It is especially helpful for new and inexperienced salespeople and professionals who dislike the "stigma" of selling or find the selling process awkward or uncomfortable.

In The Perfect Close: The Secret to Closing Sales you will learn:

A simple method to closing that is nearly always successful (95% range), is zero pressure & involves just two questions. How traditional closing techniques damage trust & what you can do remain on emotionally higher ground. How to close more sales in way that makes clients feel more educated, in control and see you as a facilitator & consultant. A proven and repeatable process for advancing sales that can be used in any kind of sale at any given stage. How to add continuous momentum & advance your sales in a way that results in more closed business & faster closed business. A natural way to close that doesn't require that you change your personality or become someone you're not. How to completely eliminate the stress & tension that some people feel when it comes to asking for commitments. How to add value on every sales encounter. Everything you need to know to advance every sale to closure

The Perfect Close represents the best practice in closing sales today. Apply it yourself and discover how this simple technique along with being genuinely authentic creates the highest levels of success and happiness.

This is more than a just a book. It's a sales training course that outlines step-by-step what you need to do to advance your sales to closure.

If you are new to sales, make this the first book you read. It will teach you how to be effective immediately and will literally teach you the rest of the steps in your sales process.

If you are an experienced professional looking for ways to improve your performance, this book will help take your closing skills to a whole new level.


With this book you will get access to a myriad of complimentary online resources including: The Perfect Close Reference Model, The Perfect Close Mind Map, Opportunity Research Forms, Encounter Planning Forms, Sample Meeting Agendas, The 21 Closing Secrets Reference Guide, Special Reports and more.

Print them out and use these resources to help you while selling or just to refresh what you've learned.

My intent is to genuinely help you. This is a no-risk purchase. If you don't agree that The Perfect Close is the best practice for closing sales that you have ever read I will buy you the closing book of your choice.

Scroll up and Purchase The Perfect Close right now. Then jump right to Chapter 12 and you'll have the technique before the end of the chapter. Purchase The Perfect Close right now and discover for yourself how to close more sales.

Product details

  • Paperback | 284 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 15mm | 381g
  • English
  • Illustrations, black and white
  • 0692689109
  • 9780692689103
  • 84,366

Download The Perfect Close : The Secret to Closing Sales - The Best Selling Practices & Techniques for Closing the Deal (0692689109).pdf, available at for free.

