Practice Makes Perfect Basic Spanish, Second Edition (0071849211)

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Bite-size lessons. Big-time learning, now with digital support

Practice Makes Perfect Basic Spanish is a trusted and proven companion for your Spanish-learning experience. In each bite-sized lesson, author Dorothy Richmond explains one - and only one - grammar concept and illustrates it with many clear examples. The accompanying exercises let you practice, practice, practice what you have learned. Although these lessons are purposely short so you can complete them in twenty minutes or less, you can go at a pace that works for you.

This guide/workbook will help you master:
present tense verb conjugation * the ser and estar verb forms * adjectives * possessive pronouns * sentence structures * the contractions al and del * indefinite articles * tener idioms * and more

This Premium Second Edition features accompanying materials in the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app (available online and via app stores) to aid your studies:

Flashcard sets for all the vocabulary lists in the book
Audio recordings of the answers for most exercises
Record-and-replay feature to compare your answers against native-speaker pronunciation (if your mobile device has this capability)

Note: audio recordings (totaling 75 minutes) require Internet access.

Product details

  • Paperback | 272 pages
  • 213 x 274 x 13mm | 551g
  • MCGRAW-HILL Professional
  • United States
  • English
  • Bilingual edition
  • 2nd edition
  • 0071849211
  • 9780071849210
  • 48,325

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