Chanel Edwards currently resides in Sacramento, CA. She is the Founder of, an inspirational site that focuses on providing spiritual inspiration, empowerment and increasing the faith of the readers. uses the word of the Lord, awesome testimonies and community programs to reach our readers, while creating a platform for Christian/inspirational artist, writer, speakers and entertainers. Chanel Edwards is also an PR rep for several up an coming artist, filmmakers and authors, she is an event coordinator, marketing and social media rep, a motivational speaker, and have spoken and served as a mistress of ceremony for many events. While finding herself single for the first time nine years ago, the Lord put a word in her heart and she has been determined to share it with the world. Speaking to the loss, dishearted and discouraged, Edwards encourages all that pure love, happiness and peace only can come from the love of the Father. This book is the first of several series to come. Edwards also host her own youtube series, called "Soul Food," where she gives an encouraging word based on the scriptures given to her by The Lord Our Savior Jesus Christ. You can also follow her on twitter or Facebook, find her on manta and myspace, join her on linkedin and sound cloud. Watch on For more information or to contact this author: visit, email:
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