Thirteen Months with an Angel : Learning to See God's Plan During the Trials (9780595515363)

When Tracie and Steve Patterson are given the news that they are going to be parents for the first time, they are overjoyed. But when the heartbeat of their unborn son, Braden, begins to slow during labor, their world comes to a standstill.

Braden spends 17 minutes without breathing or a heartbeat, but somehow he survives.

Now, Tracie and Steve must cope with having a severely brain-damaged baby prone to seizures and in need of regular checkups and 24 hour supervision.

With trials presented before them see how the Pattersons fall back on their unwavering faith in God with help from their church and family.

Whether you are struggling to renew your faith, dealing with the loss of a child or looking for meaning in life, it's important to listen to Braden's story. Learn how a baby who was here for only 13 months touched hundreds of people, brought a family together and led them to an even closer relationship with God in Thirteen Months with an Angel.

Product details

  • Hardback | 152 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 13mm | 381g
  • Bloomington IN, United States
  • English
  • 0595515363
  • 9780595515363

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