The Theory of Particle Matter Frequencies and Multiple Universes (9781507841037)

The Theory of Particle Matter Frequencies and Multiple Universes Book I wrote this paper some years back now, and I know many would think I am stark raving mad. But I am pleased to see that the Science community in the last year, or so, is now coming around to my theory, and the recent programme by Professor Brian Cox, provides greater evidence and logic surrounding the related subject area, sometimes referred to as zero point, inflation and convergence. The Theory of Particle Matter and Multiple Universes, is a work for recording the author's findings regarding the big questions humanity have always been asking. A book for the big thinkers in our society and great young minds looking beyond the canvas and closet thinking. The Theory of Particle Matter Frequencies and Multiple Universes asks, is there more beyond the canvas that we all see! I hope many in the Science community and great young minds acquire this book covering my work. Quantum leaps for humanity have always come from looking at something with a different approach. My findings have arrived not as a mathematician, but from studying the life cycles of Natural Law and how Quantum Mechanics functions continuosly seeking workarounds and refinement. By understanding these conditions and encapsulating all dimensions regarding volume, space and conditions. Can you then quantify and apply these rules and laws throughout the cosmos and all that we know. Is time, space, motion, natural law, quantum mechanics and natural branching all related to an expanding analytical data membrane we describe as the big soup or grand scheme. Do we really understand the multiple facets of energy forms that exist? Albert Einstein once conceded by saying "God has a sense of humour" regarding the other! Quotation: "If the spirit of your imagination is limited, your journey of discovery will be very short." Alastair R Agutter Stephen Hawking has concluded that the "Big Bang" derived from just "Energy" but there has to be another. For without it, an event, or execution, cannot take place!

Product details

  • Paperback | 32 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 2mm | 59g
  • English
  • 1507841035
  • 9781507841037
  • 3,447,338

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